python 및 머신러닝 교육, 슬로우캠퍼스

OCR + python

PyTesser is an Optical Character Recognition module for Python. It takes as input an image or image file and outputs a string.

PyTesser uses the Tesseract OCR engine, converting images to an accepted format and calling the Tesseract executable as an external script. A Windows executable is provided along with the Python scripts. The scripts should work in other operating systems as well.


PIL is required to work with images in memory. PyTesser has been tested with Python 2.4 in Windows XP.

Usage Example

>>> from pytesser import *
>>> image ='fnord.tif')  # Open image object using PIL
>>> print image_to_string(image)     # Run tesseract.exe on image
>>> print image_file_to_string('fnord.tif')

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Data Analysis, Text/Knowledge Mining, Python, Cloud Computing, Platform
