python 및 머신러닝 교육, 슬로우캠퍼스

Managing and Supervising Effectively

Series: Time Management

Course: Working Smart: Effective Time Management Techniques

Take control of your time...and get control of your entire work day!

The speed of everything has changed. Are your time management skills up to the challenge?

Do you put off more today than you can ever accomplish tomorrow...exhaust yourself by 4:00 p.m. with only a fraction of your work done...see yourself as a decision maker who never gets around to making decisions...dread the next business meeting—or worse, going back to your desk to see what voice mails and emails await you? If you’re doing more and enjoying it less, it’s time to get out of the time trap and back to productive management! This seminar gives you practical techniques for controlling time and making it a manageable resource.

How Participants Will Benefit

  • Achieve better results through more effective planning and clarifying objectives
  • Delegate effectively and free yourself for bigger tasks
  • Set group goals and priorities
  • Eliminate the time wasters
  • Handle interruptions and distractions
  • Say no to unreasonable demands
  • Redirect your efforts to the most important and valid tasks
  • Make sure there is time in the day for you
  • Learn strategies to improve concentration and increase your efficiency
  • Effective voice mail and e-mail management techniques

What We Will Cover
Self-Evaluation: How Do You Manage Your Time

  • Take the Time-Mastery Profile® to identify how you spend your time
  • Highlight your strengths and challenges with time
  • Identify timewasters and learn how to avoid them using new techniques

Concentration and Focus

  • Learn techniques that will help you complete your tasks at a faster rate
  • Discuss how to handle distractions and interruptions—both self- and other-imposed

Planning to Succeed

  • Learn the planning process and goal-setting system using the SMART technique

Decision Making and Prioritizing

  • Align your priorities with your goals for better decision making
  • Learn about “the window of opportunity” to determine the most appropriate course of action

Getting Organized

  • Learn the principles of organization to eliminate clutter and maintain order and effective filing systems
  • Learn to manage your phone, e-mail and electronic files

Mastering Meetings

  • Learn to prepare for and conduct productive meetings
  • Create agendas, stimulating participation and reach concise decisions

Establishing Boundaries to Create Balance

  • Learn when to say “yes” and when to say “no”
  • Say “yes” to saying “no” to others
  • Create quiet zones to think, reflect and concentrate
  • Build a commitment to your own time-management plan—it’s up to you!


Working Smart: Effective Time Management Techniques

Learning Objectives

  • Achieve Better Results through More Effective Planning and Clarifying Objectives
  • Delegate Effectively and Free Yourself for Bigger Tasks
  • Set Group Goals and Priorities
  • Eliminate the Time Wasters
  • Handle Interruptions
  • Say No to Unreasonable Demands
  • Put Things into Perspective
  • Make Sure There Is Time in the Day for You

Basic Concepts

  • Define the Meaning/Value/Importance of Time
  • Discuss Time Management Pressures
  • Review Time Pressures and Change

Self-Evaluation of Time Management

  • Identify How and Why You Spend Your Time
  • Assess Your Strengths and Opportunities Regarding Time Management
  • Identify Typical Time Wasters
  • Adopt New Techniques for Dealing with Time Wasters
  • Recognize the Need to Change Your Frequency, Quality Requirements and Methods or Delegate to Maximize Your Time

Getting Organized

  • Identify Your Goals and Plans for Success
  • Implement a Four-Step Time Management System: Plan, Prioritize, Schedule, and Follow-Up
  • Develop Skills to Set SMART Goals
  • Apply Techniques to Integrate Personal and Business Goals

Getting StartedPrioritizing

  • Set Priorities Using Important and Urgent Paradigms
  • Create Your Own Window of Opportunity
  • Redefine Your Goals and Activities Based on Validity and Urgency
  • Demonstrate Techniques to Refine Your Scheduling and Follow-Up Strategies to Help Improve Your Time Management

Maximize Your Time and Productivity with People

  • Apply Strategies to Use Delegation as a Time Saver
  • Demonstrate Techniques to Say "No" as Easily as You Say "Yes"
  • Implement Strategies to Improve the Effectiveness of Meetings
  • Identify Ways to Deal with Procrastination
  • Apply Skills to Maximize "Team Time"

Time Pressures in the "Wired" Workplace

  • Identify Ways to Leverage Time Using Technology
  • Recognize How Today’s Electronic Tools Can Help Time-Shift Work and Minimize Interruptions
  • Recognize How "Internet Time" Causes Stress and Affects Work
  • Formulate a Strategy for Managing Time in This Ever-Changing Environment

Handling Pressure and Stress

  • Identify the Nature of Stress to Reduce Its Effect On Your Performance and Productivity
  • Discover Your Stress Index
  • Develop a Coping Plan
  • Apply Techniques for Controlling Stress

Putting It All Together

  • Identify a Concept Discussed during the Seminar to Pass Along to a Colleague
  • Identify Your Time Management Strengths and Opportunities
  • Develop Specific Techniques Learned and Describe How You Will Transfer These Skills from the Classroom to Your Job
  • Identify at Least Two Opportunities to Improve Your Time Mastery
  • Develop a Personal and Professional Action Plan for Improving Your Time Management Techniques


Data Analysis, Text/Knowledge Mining, Python, Cloud Computing, Platform
