python 및 머신러닝 교육, 슬로우캠퍼스

미국의 4대 일간지는 아마도  아래 4개로 보입니다. 구글이 7/4 미국 독립일 하루전에

'미국에서 만든 스마트폰'을 강조하며 모토롤라 폰을 광고하는데, 아래 4군데에 게재하였습니다.

  • New York Times
  • USA Today
  • Wall Street Journal
  • Washington Post

Happy Independence Day, fellow Americans! It’s time to go to the lake, eat some red meat, and, of course, buy a cell phone from a good ol’ American company, Motorola and Google.

Motorola is running a full-page spread in the July 3 editions of The New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post. And it’s all for the upcoming, and very American, Motorola X smartphone.


Data Analysis, Text/Knowledge Mining, Python, Cloud Computing, Platform
